Saturday, November 21, 2009


As I traveled back last Sunday from a 3 day conference in Utah, I contemplated all the things I had learned and where I should start with implementing some of the great tips we had received. One of them was a preference for another blogger service so I started to move my content from here to there. This service has a trackback feature that Blogger does not have (yet??). But I must say that Blogger is very user friendly and allows for easy integrating of third party links and other widgets. So I have decided to continue here with MO FOTO until I have my Photography website re-designed and this blog will become part of that site.

Friday, November 13, 2009


A favorite hang out for hikers, bikers and locals. Also the place to launch your canoe in the Potomac river. Watching the crowds here is like walking into a Fellini movie...

Thursday, November 12, 2009


On the way to Lone Pine, California we encountered this rusted wreck on the side of the road. Tumble weeds were flying around as a storm was moving in.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I forgot the exact location of this old village somewhere in the suburbs of Tokyo. I do know it took me almost 2 hours to get there from the other side of Tokyo. The Tokyo area is about 845 square miles.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Cruising along the Pacific coast, we stopped for lunch near this site. Highway 1 is a beautiful ride along the California coast with many breath taking views. Getting more South you'll see more and more Mexican influences.

Monday, November 9, 2009


One interesting aspect of a window is that it reflects either the inside or outside. If I remember well I took this picture in a Basilica in Paris. It is actually reflecting a door, to make things more complicated lol ;-)

Friday, November 6, 2009


Also known as lady slippers, one of my favorite type of orchids. Orchids can impart a wide variety of messages, but historically the meanings of orchids have included wealth, love, and beauty. To the ancient Greeks, orchids suggested virility, and after the rise in popularity of orchid collections in Victorian England, the meaning of orchids moved towards being symbolic of luxury. Orchids have also been believed to carry various healing and protective properties, allowing them to ward off disease. The Aztecs were said to drink a mixture of the vanilla orchid and chocolate to give them power and strength, and the Chinese believe orchids can help cure lung illnesses and coughs.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


The border between France and Spain is subject to many wildfires every year. I remember the huge air planes scooping water into their belly, from the Meditarenian see, dumping their loads on the burning slopes.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


We were on our way from Irvine, California to Death Valley and as we were crossing the desert this awkwardly shaped cloud followed us. At a certain point we had to stop and take in the scene of the clouds trying to reach out to the mountains.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I love window displays, or etalages as we call them in Holland (actually a French word). Especially when they're "designed" by the shop owner them selves. This is an Arabic grocery story in Paris.

Monday, November 2, 2009


I love visiting ghost towns. I admit it is somewhat eerie, but also very interesting to see how people lived during a certain time, without the presence of any current habitants. Rhyolite is a ghost town in Nye County, in the U.S. state of Nevada. It is located in the Bullfrog Hills, about 120 miles (190 km) northwest of Las Vegas, near the eastern edge of Death Valley. The town began in early 1905 as one of several mining camps that sprang up after a prospecting discovery in the surrounding hills. During an ensuing gold rush, thousands of gold-seekers, developers, miners, and service providers flocked to the Bullfrog Mining District. Many settled in Rhyolite, which lay in a sheltered desert basin near the region's biggest producer, the Montgomery Shoshone Mine.